


The sexy worthies purrs for the impressive, the anomalies can’t be excused.

The understatement isn’t guaranteed  rounds. The escrow won’t accumulate my essence.

There’s bigger, there’s more. Dainty ladies won’t configure the actions.

Concubines has no conscience, nitta doms has no answers.

Sweet relentless is the mothership, costume lovers aggravate.

Little ease for the knees, bow to your likeness.

Concubines really has no conscious.

Pretty please pardon my needs, nitta doms, nitta doms.

Trot my worthies, spin my umbrella, lay under oaks and willows.

My feather hat tickles your smile, a madam with the lasso’s, very much in the seat.

Maybe the wind blows my curls, as I trek across the desert in gold.

nitta dom, nitta , I see the bent because it’s straight.

Does it take a dozen wombs to carry the intelligent, Es que se so?

Amazon brawn, anabella queen, mistress wonder bee, dandy as sweet as candy.

Nitta dom, nitta women are worth the value.

Wicked Essence

you tooyou tooyou too

Vain ensembles

The thick cream called out hauntingly. A disheveled vanity table was occupied, Margot couldn’t find her beauty cream for the life of her soul. Seated in front of the embellished mirror, an entity stared back at a detached body, so much work needed to be done to an obviously angelic face, but the enhancement item escaped her grasped. A door opened and in came Estelle. She sat on the bench next to Margot and began combing her wild hair. ” I don’t think Francis received your letter today, matter of fact I think he’s ignoring you” Her flaming eye’s looked at Margot in the mirror” You think he’s ignoring you don’t you? She egged on. Margot was quiet, having found her particular item, she commenced in putting it on. “I bet he’s tangled up with some petulant beauty, while you’re here trying to find your novelties and what not” Margot ignored the silly instigation and completed her ritual. Estelle smirked and turned to her sweet sister. “You think he loves you don’t you? She asked loutishly. “Look at that beautiful finger of yours, no precious stone there, I don’t think it’s his intent you know” She continued to brush her hair. “But you adore him don’t you? You trust him with the heart the heavens gave you, and even that doesn’t belong to you! Innocent Margot must we pretend that a soul is here? Must you not realize the emptiness, and that it is all you have?  Margots heart was silent no beat, no pulse, no contractions just silence. She spoke. “Love is as potent as the one who gifts us it, surely lack of doesn’t mean none at all, if anything be true then patience takes the lead” She then applied her perfume gently. Estelle picked up the silver brush and kissed the back of it and held it out for both of to see the pinkish color. “Perfect” She said. “What isn’t permanent will be wiped away” She took the crimson cloth and wiped the color from it. “Here let me fix your hair! Margot put her hand up to stop her. “It’s already finished, he likes it slightly tousled and not exactly put together. In fact he likes lots of things that are not excruciatingly perfect, real is all he requires” Estelle stood up and began spinning around. “Real she says! black as the blood that pumps through her veins! Bright as the sclera of her eye! Taunt as the virgin skin of her withered youth! She stopped and leered at Margot. “Or tender as the sensuous touch from her lover, that now belongs to another”  Margot stood up and yelled into the mirror. “You liar! She picked up the single blade razor and held it to her wrist. “Take it back or I’ll slice it” “Ha ha Margot you won’t do it, you don’t have the guts” Estelle flung her thick red hair back over her shoulders. “She’s better than you” She sung.  “They’ve always been better than you, always better”  Estelle continued the chant, it echoed in Margot’s hallow ears. She slid the razor beautifully across her wrist, the dark blood greeted the air in tiny spurts. Estelle looked on in pleased horror. Margot found enough strength to do the other wrist. When all of the force left her body she collapsed. A pleasant sound pulled at her in the dreamscape and as quickly as she left, she found herself in her sisters arms, who was still chanting softly. “My sweet Margot you will always come back to this world. The Gods don’t admire a weakling. This is all you’ll know until dawn has enlightened you and, a learned lesson passes your mind.

Confidence of belief revives the soul, but the legacy of self hate diminshes it.

Leather and Suede




Portraits in life…….

Silhouetted ideas burgeoned on simplicity, it was deluded and full, causing irritation to burst at the seams of Giovanna’s consciousness. She tapped her tiny foot against the grain of the marble floor in anguish. Decadence was everywhere, extravagant sludge filled the world she created and resented.  Now the glass mirror was up to her face. Twisted concepts she employed deepened as she stared back at the hazy photo of her lover, it was damning to realize that he chose to conquer someone else’s heart instead of hers, while she paid the premium for the concise judgement. “You insisted on throwing daggers in my back, until there was nothing left but a bloody gore! He exclaimed. “Our love has to die, this death must take place” He tore her heart and vanished. His words stayed with her until this final stage. Within an hour she was summoned to the atrocious event. Invisible tears ran down her cheeks as she watched her husband shred the marriage certificateInsolence was thick in the room, he continued his speech. Her mind would not bend around the matter he confronted her with. Madame was being replaced, it was always a man who does the replacing, always eliciting competition, always a red headed devil with more behind his cape. She caught a glimpse of her successor in the window. Same build, same stance, very fragile, a typical ivory shell. But she also described herself impeccably. The woman mused and smiled as she danced comfortably with the whole charade she indulged in. She was now inside the house. Giovanna braced herself and being the queen she was, entered the other room. Meeting her husbands eyes she commenced in handing over the crown that graced her glory. The princepessa rose and walked up to her. They stood face to face. Like to like, kind to kind. The form that graced her activities in the shadows for some time has now been chosen. Giovanna stepped up to the blossoming future for her husband, and stared into the lifeless eyes searching the seas they pooled upon. She handed her belongings over, everything including her soul. Then turned around and walked towards the grand oak entrance with rage in heart. As the princepessa burned and fought inside her new body, nothing could quench the fire of jealousy and trickery. “Oh Giovanna” the princepessa sung standing on the steps of victor, she turned around in response. “An even swap no swindle”  Then a most devious woman crumbled.


Loose pearls dropped in the red wine as an adonis reposed in the languid melodies of soft jazz. Evening dresses, splendid tuxes swathed the area, all dipping delightfully in the moment. Celia danced the dance of swords each piercing revealing the depth to her persona, how inviting he thought. Her italian accent filled solomons ears as he twirled her around the floor, they found themselves back at the brilliant table and cajoled. He stared at her neck and features, what a beautiful creature he beheld. The sequins marched over her frame and left and impressive visual presence. He thought in delight and picked up the wine glass and handed it to her, her face softened. The pearls had settled nicely in the liquid. Let’s go find quietness she lipped. They found their way out onto the terrace and lolled around the lush garden grounds talking and teasing each other with deep conversations. He cornered her in front of a tall trellis, magnolias and jasmines scented the atmosphere. It was romantic indeed, one would think this is the prelude to love, but with a given intention could it mean something entirely different. He came close to her and studied her bowtie mouth cute and fascinating. Her eyes twinkled, her breath eased and sharpened. She blushed  he could almost read her thoughts. His mood focused and with delicate ease the knife found the cavity of her chest, he could feel the warm blood on his hand as he began to carve around her heart “I’m so sorry my darling, you’re such a beautiful woman and you only doled out your affections for me, I- I- I  just need this heart for my true love” He stammered. “Our love is fading” His voice tone heightened with each twist and turn as he sliced. Her body became limp and leaned against him. He flung her withering body to the ground and completed his task.  Finally pulling out the beating heart and kissed it. Then that lovely man ran off into the mist of the gardens taking life to his precious entity.


Maybe the rejections have only strengthened what was never needed……….























mgu20100501a002    A peek into a heart, is a nightmare dipped in gold.

A most angelic imp garnered the attention of a few good stares, and scoured  for precious stones and rubies. Nothing was quite like beautiful, exotic, fine things to be reeled in, to open the well supported notion, that those things were the best in life to offer. She moved in such a way you could almost assume she was from the deepest of the south, but held airs of affluence in society. Her entitlement was bound to strangle her eventually. She held the gleaming diamond in her white gloved hand, the sparkles reflected vividly in her eyes as she admired and marveled at the innocent spectacle. The strangest feeling came over and engulfed her soul, until the only thing left was the exquisite diamond. The sun continued to catch it’s unique carats in it’s rays as, it reposed on the beach sand enticingly. The murky waves grasped desperately at its beauty then receded into the ocean.

The diva pursed her lips until the thick lipstick was immaculate. Perfection has it’s cost, and the John Does whom surrounded her, were the bursaries. Each measured a certain feet watching eagerly, as she continued to bask in the dense ritual of conceptualizing, what attraction was all about. Yes, the original love and lust portion. And As we all fancy women do it better, but men the are masters. As a particular Mr. made his way towards her vicinity, her heart paused and then concluded, that what was to take place would change something major. If things go as promised her life would become statistically heavenly. The various encounters and advancements in monetary gains, and wealth would lead to a regal existence. Her fate was pronounced, as she laid on the marble slab laden with rigor mortis. One could only assure the onlookers that her purpose, had been sealed. Her Mr. stood over and clasped the twin tightly, at the waist and bore down at the other with laughing eyes. Was love this important to sell self for? Then only to relinquish it to something that shared the same vein? Could fate have been so sweet to carry on such a legacy? Perhaps the owner of the indistinct lipstick which graced her swollen cheek, held the answer or perhaps something more.

Black balling goddesses were signature crowns to collect, any regrets came spiraling downward, her meek bruised eyes and lips were a stain into her deception. No gift was more pleasantly flagrant than what floated in the back of her mind. Nothing could seduce her to leave the known ways of his scent. But oh the perks! the embraces! it was tenderness to her tendencies. Mind your manners, sit up straight and cross your legs. You are a lady, but what was one? Did they wear large hats? cluttered jeweled brooches? were they plain and untouched? “I have chosen a suitor for you” The amazing pearls flashed back at her, the darling mother may I loomed in her chest. “You wild girl a spit from your elders! “You’re not the same music that they play! “A husband believes a wife is too pretty to be crazy” Hence the sallow dress whipped gently in the breeze. A most delicate flower hung daintily on a rope.                                                                                                                                                 The common indulgence women share, is the thing to which they can’t say no to. Be it love, acceptance or just simply to be desired. Careful ladies….. Of the poison you choose…..